Nonna Rosa Italian

198 Okatie Village Drive – Suite 105, Okatie, SC 29909 – 843-707-1750


A Guide To Italian Meal Courses At A Traditional Dinner

A Guide To Italian Meal Courses At A Traditional Dinner

By In Italian Food

Best Italian Dinner In Bluffton SC

Italian cuisine comprises some of the most magnificent foods you will taste, ranging from authentic street food to complete nine-course dinners. The sequence of dishes in a traditional Italian dinner, on the other hand, is based on science. 

The best Italian dinner in Bluffton, SC has all of these elements combined with authenticity of flavors to give you a traditional Italian food experience you will surely enjoy.

Are you craving for the best Italian dinner in Bluffton? Then, you have to visit Nonna Rosa Italian Restaurant. We offer an extensive selection of high-quality Italian cuisine so that you may have a fantastic meal with friends and family.

Want To Try The Best Italian Dinner In Bluffton?

A Guide To Italian Meal Courses At A Traditional Dinner

Here are tips on the best way to enjoy Italian meal courses and what to anticipate during a classic Italian dinner.

1. Italian Dinner Culture

Traditional Italian meals are a no-cellphones-allowed rite where family and friends may gather and enjoy one other’s company. Italian dinners are notoriously lengthy, and for a good reason. An Italian supper is a work of art, with each dish representing a distinct phase in creating a polished and delectable product.

2. Aperitivo

Do you ever want to sit down in a quiet restaurant with friends or family and have a cocktail after a long and stressful day at work? Aperitivo is a long-standing Italian tradition that allows you to do just that. At a classic aperitivo, you’ll find yourself sipping light beverages like wine, prosecco, and spritz while nibbling on regional nuts, cheeses, and olives.

Light crackers and cheese and a plant-based dip are terrific additions to an aperitivo buffet. Nonna Rosa Italian Restaurant, the best Italian dinner in Bluffton, has six eating courses, so don’t overindulge just yet. Aperitivo will give you a sneak peek at the delicious meal to come.

3. Antipasti: Appetizer

Best Italian dinner in Bluffton

If you like meat and cheese, antipasto is the right course. This dish is a little heavier than the aperitivo and frequently includes a spread of the restaurant’s best cheeses, meats, and even vegetarian dips.

On the serving plate, salami, mortadella, and prosciutto take their places among cheeses like Pecorino, Mozzarella, and Parmigiano-Reggiano. For extra taste, crostini are likely to be served alongside bruschetta. In addition, some restaurants may provide vegetarian options; Eggplant, Balsamic, or Roasted Vegetable Bruschetta are two excellent vegetarian options to look for in the long run.

4. Piatti Primi

The first formal course in a typical Italian supper is Primi Piatti. Dishes to choose from include, Risotto, Pasta, Soup, Casserole, and Polenta. As you can see, this course is heavier than the previous two, but it will be less severe than the Secondi Piatti. You may be tempted to overindulge on your first course, but remember that the secondi is just around the corner.

5. Second Piatti

The second piatti features varieties of meat and seafood. Sausage, veal, steak, rabbit, chicken, and lamb are a few examples of delectable secondi offered at an Italian meal.

6. Contorni

Contorni is a side dish that is traditionally served with Secondi Piatti. Chicory, Broccoli, Romano, salad, and potatoes are among the most popular contorni. The two meals are supposed to complement each other, resulting in a beautiful pairing that everybody may enjoy.

7. Salad (Insalata)

Salad may appear to be predictable, but its timing during the meal is not. This salad is served after Secondi or Contorni and is composed of crisp, leafy greens prepared with a pinch of oil and vinegar, salt, and pepper. This course may or may not be served, depending on the establishment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is An Italian Meal?

Primi Piatti is the dinner’s first main meal. Pasta is nearly often included in this component of traditional Italian meals. Lasagna, gnocchi, risotto, and soups are the other prime possibilities. You don’t want to overeat during this portion of the meal because the next course is much heavier than the primi!

What Are The Five Courses In An Italian Meal?

The five courses of an Italian Meal are:

  1. Appetizer or Antipasto.
  2. First Course or Primo.
  3. Second Course or Secondo.
  4. Side Dish or Contorno.
  5. Dessert or Dolce.

How Many Courses Does An Italian Meal Consist Of?

An Italian meal usually consists of four courses (starter, first course, main course, and dessert). However, this can be extended to eight or more (starter, first course, main fish course, main meat course, cheese, and dessert).

The Best Italian Restaurant

Nonna Rosa, the Best Italian Restaurant, is an authentic Italian restaurant where you can enjoy a delicious lunch with friends and family. We serve the best Italian dinner in Bluffton, SC, which will keep you and your loved ones glued to the table, giving you more time to talk and interact.

Reserve a Table Today!
Call Nonna Rosa Italian Restaurant At 843 707-1750!

Nonna Rosa Italian Restaurant
198 Okatie Village, Drive Suite 105, Okatie, SC 29909


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